Production System

Our Fattening Process

The fattening phase is the final stage of the production process, which ends in the fattening pens. In Grupo Pilagá's integrated production system, the use of finishing feedlots is a key factor for the final finishing of the animals to arrive in optimal conditions to produce beef cuts. Pilagá's feedlots are equipped with the latest technologies and facilities to achieve the highest efficiency in sustainable weight gain.
  • Feedlot

Our Certificates
RESNPA: Download
Environmental Certificate: Download

Our team

The secret to our success.

Grupo Pilagá

This company owns Estancia San Alberto

Our Cattle Breed Composition

This is how our cattle is composed.

Carnes Validadas

Estancia San Alberto traces and tokenizes its animals with Carnes Validadas

Information makes the difference

Each animal has its own unique digital token at Carnes Validadas Blockchain. Tokens and all their data are transferable.

Extended Traceability

Life story and all its data is registered and may be presented and shared at any time.

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