Production System

Our Breeding Process

The company bases its nutrition strategy on rearing cattle on mega thermal pastures (Gatton Panic) and maintaining fodder stocks, with strategic supplementation during the winter season. Fodder production is determined by rainfall with great seasonality and inter-annual variation. This reality implies working with important safety margins in terms of fodder and an integration with supplementation in winter to ensure the greatest body and health conditions for the calves.
  • Pasture
  • Grain Supplementation

Our Certificates
RESNPA: Download

Our team

The secret to our success.

Grupo Pilagá

This company owns Estancia Los Puestos

Our Cattle Breed Composition

This is how our cattle is composed.

Carnes Validadas

Estancia Los Puestos traces and tokenizes its animals with Carnes Validadas

Information makes the difference

Each animal has its own unique digital token at Carnes Validadas Blockchain. Tokens and all their data are transferable.

Extended Traceability

Life story and all its data is registered and may be presented and shared at any time.

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